Integrate your applications to MerchantSuite easily and seamlessly.
Take payments online the way you want to, while leveraging the full power of MerchantSuite features and security. The flexibility of the API allows you to have complete control of your customer's online experience.

Easy to read documentation
- Extensive online documentation in all the major programming languages for developers
- MerchantSuite API libraries means less coding for even faster development times
- Supports payments, preauths, captures, refunds and voids
- Supports tokenisation
- Supports direct post to allow you to ensure sensitive data is not exposed to your environment
How Do I Get Started
Click on the Start Free Trial or Register Now button to start the process.2.
Log into the MySuite Portal3.
Generate API credentials and begin developing with our sample code located in the Developer Zone.
You can generate API credentials by logging into the MySuite Portal and navigating to My Suite > API > Create New.
Yes, MerchantSuite's API supports a Direct Post model
- C#
- Java
- Python
- Ruby
- Perl
- Node.js
Yes, simply visit our Developer Zone where the MerchantSuite API and sample code are located.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards govern the credit card security standards for all entities that handle card data. The PCI Security Standards Council website contains more information. https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/index.php
Yes, MerchantSuite is Level 1 PCI DSS compliant.