Securely store your customers' card details for faster checkouts and recurring payments
Convert your card data to tokens with MerchantSuite. The tokens can be stored in your applications and submitted to process payments. You will be able to securely offer your customers quick and easy payment options such as one-click checkouts and payment plans.

Create a new token
- Create a new token with up to three reference details
- Store additional customer contact information; address, phone numbers and date of birth
- Search, edit and delete customer information in token management
- Export tokens to a CSV or batch file for upload to your systems
- Create multiple tokens by uploading a single batch file
How Do I Get Started
Click on the Start Free Trial or Register Now button to start the process.2.
Add and manage tokens through the MySuite Portal or the API
Yes, MerchantSuite Tokens support a batch function that allows you to upload a batch of cards to be tokenised. You can then export the tokens into a CSV file to be uploaded into your system in replacement of the cards.
MerchantSuite tokens look like a MasterCard and pass the luhn algorithm to reduce the need for you to make system changes when converting to a token service.
Instead of providing a card number to process a payment, simply provide the token instead. MerchantSuite will map the token to the card number within our PCI DSS compliant environment.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards govern the credit card security standards for all entities that handle card data. The PCI Security Standards Council website contains more information.
Yes, MerchantSuite is Level 1 PCI DSS compliant.